As Ayna Araştırma, we are the compass to your dreams

Who are We?

Since 1999, we have been serving in the research industry, objectively interpreting the views of society, fully adhering to business ethics, and being a research firm that grows and helps others grow.

What we do?

We conduct Qualitative and Quantitative Research by considering our clients’ needs. By using unique techniques for each study, we bring a different approach to our clients’ businesses.

Our Research

We take pride in announcing that we accurately predicted the results of the 2011 parliamentary elections and the 2014 local elections within a 95% confidence interval. Additionally, we have successfully completed hundreds of projects for political, academic, and international independent organizations.

We conduct research, reporting, and analysis on current topics in politics and society under the guidance of expert academics..

In both political and social sciences, the use of various statistical methods for analyzing data obtained from scientific research and interpreting the findings is essential in today’s world…

Changing global conditions have led to continuous changes in demands and the emergence of competition to meet these demands. In this competitive environment, winning requires understanding the consumer…

Candidates and political parties participating in elections need to conduct a political campaign to achieve success. Determining the campaign theme and associated campaign messages is one of the preparatory stages of a political election campaign…

A brand is one of the most important factors in selling a product. Additionally, since products produced under a brand can be sold at higher profit margins, as the brand strengthens, the organization to which it belongs also becomes stronger…

Research has shown that employee behavior under pressure deviates from the norm and takes on the desired form. The Mystery Shopper method involves visiting any branch of your company and conducting research without revealing that an investigation is being carried out…

It is a structured group discussion technique designed to gather detailed information and opinions from a selected group of participants on a specific topic. The ideal group size is 10-12 people…

The CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing) method is a research technique where interviews are conducted over the phone with computer support. The created questionnaire is first transferred to an electronic format using specialized software. The questionnaire prepared with the special software is then administered via computer…